How and Why You Should Exercise at Home

Exercise at home

We all know that exercising is important for our health and well-being. But as we grow up, exercising tends to take the backseat while we focus on our careers, hobbies and family lives. And with so many things to do in a single day, who in the world has the time to go to the gym for an hour? Well, I think we all know there is no excuse, with the option of at-home exercising being something we can all commit to. So, how can you work out at home, and why should you do it?

Save time

Oftentimes we skip out on activities, not because of the activities themselves, but because of all the extra time that goes into fulfilling them. For example, going to the gym and coming back home, waiting in line to get to the equipment you want to work out with and getting caught up in small talk. If you are working out from home, you have none of those disadvantages, because your gym is right there in the next room, and you are all alone – or are you?

Group workouts

Having a family or housemates is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to working out at-home. You can be each other’s motivation and enjoy exercising together, which is always more fun than exercising alone, but they can also be a distraction. If your gym is at the same time a common room, they can interrupt you while you are working out and make you lose your mojo. To prevent this from happening, ask them not to bother you when they see you exercising. It will help you focus and push through with your workout routine.

Mental peace

Unless you’ve been going to the gym regularly for a long time, it can be quite intimidating. You’ll be comparing yourself to all the other people there, and it can often feel like you are being judged by everyone. But when you are at home, you have nobody there to judge you, and you can focus on yourself. This also means that there is nobody there to tell you if you are doing something wrong, so make sure that you are doing only the exercises you are 100% sure you know how to do. You can also set whatever mood you need, whether that means playing super loud aggressive music, watching a tutorial or enjoying the absolute silence.

Morning motivation

Morning exercise

If you ever ask a group of runners what in the world gives them the motivation to get up in the morning and go for a run, the answer will most likely be – nothing. You just get up and go, before you start questioning whether or not you want to do it. When working out at home, there’s no need to get dressed, drive to the gym or anything of the sorts – you just get up, throw on something comfortable (or stay in your pajamas) and get in a quick workout before your morning shower. It’s that easy, and the less you think about it, the easier it will be to do.

Save money

Gym memberships are not cheap, and you are far more likely to end up wasting your money on long-term memberships. Not to mention, gyms often have equipment that is cheap, rather than of high-quality, and you might end up hurting yourself with such equipment. Training in your own home doesn’t cost anything, and if you want to get serious about it, high-quality gym equipment is a good investment that will last you for years to come. 

Find the perfect routine

When you are at home, you have the freedom to try absolutely every workout in the world. If something doesn’t work for you, just move on to the next one. The internet is full of amazing options for at-home workouts – just be careful that whatever you choose matches your current stamina and muscle strength levels. Also keep in mind that there are so many different kinds of exercises, and you shouldn’t limit yourself to “gym appropriate” workouts. For example, you can play your favorite music and dance until you can’t feel your legs anymore!

No excuses

We are truly our own worst enemies. We will talk ourselves out of anything we don’t feel like doing, workouts included. But, with working out at home, we dramatically decrease our possible excuses, making it easier to get some exercise in. Do you want to watch a TV show? Do it while you’re exercising. Have to cook dinner? Chop up, put it on the stove and get some legwork in while it’s cooking. Don’t want to go out into the world all sweaty or with dirty hair? No problem – nobody has to see you! All of these excuses we tell ourselves suddenly disappear when we start noticing how many spare minutes we have that we can use. Even if you have to sit behind a computer to do some work, you can lift yourself up from the chair and do an air sit for several seconds at a time.

Working out at home is a great option both for people who really want to get their workout in, but don’t have the time, and the people who can’t find the proper motivation to go to the gym, and it really is a win-win situation.


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